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Saito Development Update – July 2023

Later this week we are expecting to switch our production network over to the WASM version of Saito we have had under development for at least the last half-year. Once this is done all of the applications that are available on the network will be running using a javascript-client that uses a pre-compiled version of our Rust client internally for all of the core blockchain functions. All Javascript/Typescript consensus code will be replaced by Rust.

Although few people ask us about WASM, this is a rather important milestone for us as a community and software platform. Having browsers use compiled Rust code for the core cryptographic and blockchain operations will not only speed up a lot the underlying activities like transaction signing and hashing that are slower in javascript, but it will also return us to having a single codebase for consensus operations.

The massive benefits of having the network run a single codebase is one of the reasons we have pushed to get WASM done ahead of token persistence. Simplifying the codebase so there is a single software stack to upgrade greatly reduces load on development, making development quicker and preventing accidental forks and other anomalies.  It is also going to be necessary for further work on the consensus-layer, including features like (eventually) adding scripting languages, support for multisig operations, on-chain NFT transfers and more.

Right now we are in the final stages of testing the WASM branch in preparation for deployment later this week. Depending on how testing goes, we’re expecting to get the WASM version up in five to seven days. Particular thanks and credit are due to Sanka for taking leadership on getting this integration done. We could not have done this without him.

Our WASM port currently supports all of the major applications that we’re seeing people use on the network: peer-to-peer video calls, RedSquare, the Arcade and of course most of the games on the network. As part of the shift, we are likely to remove some of the games that are not seeing much usage with a plan to refactor them and bring them back to the one-by-one with more polished graphics and improved gameplay.

We are aware that many members of the community are focused on token persistence and thus are also happy to share the news that we still expect to hit our target of getting that supported for large on-chain deposits by the end of next month. We’re planning to get the exact details out for the community in about a month, with an update on network tokenomics about a fortnight later towards mid-September.

In the last few months we have also made significant changes to the way that the application platform works, tried to improve the usability of RedSquare and the chat applications, and completely re-written how the Archive module allows nodes to store and load transactions received both onchain and off-chain. This work has been done to assist with executing the various projects we have in different stages of completion.

As always, we thank everyone in the Saito Community for their patience and support. If you have questions or just want to talk show, please feel welcome to drop by RedSquare or join our Telegram Group and ask them in person.

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