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UPDATE: Uniswap Liquidity Upgrade

Edit February 15, 2024: Fees Reduced

To improve user experience buying SAITO on Uniswap, liquidity is being moved to a pool with a lower fee level. Fees are moving from 1% to 0.05% in the new SAITO/ETH Uniswap V3 pool.

To maintain and improve liquidity provision on Uniswap, the project will be moving liquidity from the V2 Uniswap SAITO/ETH pair, to the V3 SAITO/ETH Uniswap Pair. This is regular maintenance and protects against end of life issues for Uniswap V2 pairs and allows the project to better target liquidity. The upgrade will be performed on January 23, 2024.

NOTE: this post is about liquidity migration on Uniswap. It has nothing to do with ERC20 token migration to Saito Mainnet. We remind all users there are no plans to force token migration and the only migration tool available remains (https://saito.io/migration). Please be careful of scammers.

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