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Website Update – 2022-04-11

We know that a lot of you are waiting for the newest version of our website. We mentioned that we were expecting the site to drop on April 12, so wanted to share an update on where things are along with some teasers of what you can expect. Short version is that we are a little delayed. Animations are hard and mobile phones displays are also tricky.

In the meantime, check out this animation from our new ELI5 video to get a sense of what is coming. This snippet is from a video introduction that will be displayed on our splash-page. We’ve worked on these animations scene-by-scene and are pleased with the work everyone is doing to get things right.

This is a snippet to the polished new introductory video.

These kinds of glossy “show off” graphics are matched by simple animations that help deliver the Saito message. This is one of the animations that explains the difference between the network economics in “Saito” and “Non-Saito” networks: you can click on the button to switch animation modes:

Should we push up the website drop date? We thought about this and decided it is better to wait. Some content like our history of blog posts are still being ported and tagged and we don’t want it to drop them offline. More importantly, mobile users will notice little things like animations not being mobile-optimised. Our stats show a majority of the people who hit our website now are visiting on mobile devices especially when we push news and updates, so this is important.

We’re expecting to be able to generate a new wave of inbound traffic and interest in Saito once we have our new site up, so don’t want to waste the opportunity to make a good impression. As we wait for this to be finished, hopefully this post makes our communications strategy clearer. Our aim is a visually slick front-end + blog supported by a text-heavy and community-editable wiki/repository. We shrink from having the 3-4 major sites to a more manageable two that are easier to maintain and update.

So that’s what’s happening behind the scenes. We will keep everyone updated on the site as we move forward. In the meantime, we’re working on some extra polish to our latest game — which is getting pushed to production this week. We look forward to getting this stuff released and have thanks as always for everyone who is helping contribute by sharing word and educating in the crypto space.

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