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Saito Fileshare – Unlimited, P2P, Encrypted

Your Files, Your Bandwidth

No limits, no login, no extra costs, end-to-end encrypted. Saito Fileshare is available for anyone to send and receive arbitrarily large files, completely P2P.

Users of SMS, Discord, Telegram and other messaging apps have undoubtedly felt the frustration of transfer limits. Not to mention the privacy concerns of sending personal or sensitive data across untrusted, privately controlled networks.

With Saito, you no longer have to deal with this. Saito Fileshare is entirely between you and the receiver. Your files and how you share them is your business on your bandwidth.

Learn how to use it here.

How Does P2P File Share Work?

Fileshare is secured atop the Saito Key Exchange Protocol. The shared secret they create serves many functions, including:

1. Users can efficiently send each other data which no node, ISP or other potential attacker can decipher.

2. Users can securely setup a high-throughput, firewall-penetrating connection to each other – just like Saito Talk.

Files are streamed across this direct connection at the whim and total control of the users. When finished, the files can be saved to the device just like any normal file download.

Get Involved

Saito Fileshare is a flexible and open source module and utility. Want to start a P2P cloud, movie rental, video hosting or other Web3 service? Hack up the module code and feel free to reach out to the team for any assistance. We are excited to see its full potential.


Ditch the paid subscriptions, registration requirements, and privacy pitfalls. Use your public key and your bandwidth and take computing back into your control.

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