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Saito Summer 11

WSOT, LCX, DCM, HIS, Saito Summer is here to break down the slew of acronyms for our eleventh week of consecutive updates. Listen to the recording to get all the details about what’s been happening at Saito the last week. Saito Summer 11 encompasses several topics, from partnerships to releases to applications developments and more.


ByBit Dex Pro WSOT Competition is still ongoing, Saito is moving up the ranks. Do your part and put Saito in the spotlight.

LCX Contact

We’v been put into contact with The LCX Crypto Exchange, one founded on a similar merit-first set of principles as Saito itself. We’re always interested in working with institutions who will respect our commitment to our community (we routinely reject offers to dump tokens on our loyal community). Thanks to Maxime for opening this dialogue.

DCM on Mainnet

DCM (Dynamically Compiled Modules) makes it simple for anyone to distribute their Saito apps without infrastructure, and is now live on the production network.

Developing applications is also getting easier with our revamped Saito Wiki, which includes developer documentation, tutorials and more. If you’re interested in building there has never been a better time to get started – check out our Tutorial Series and get in touch with the team! We will help you develop and distribute your application. We love being involved with community efforts – don’t be shy!

If you think the Wiki is missing anything, let us know, or make a rough draft (and PR it on Github) and we’ll do the rest if it is helpful to the community.

The natural evolution of application development on Saito, and what is being worked on next is the foundations for a P2P App Store. Development features like module-signing, easy uninstall and more are stepping stones to this goal. Saito apps already feature rich composability features which makes weaving new features into existing modules easier than most are ready for!

Here You Go: Here I Stand

For those so inclined, the beloved cult-classic strategy game, Here I Stand, is now available on the Saito Arcade.

Titles like Twilight Struggle have been a notable growth area for Saito, and we believe anyone fading these titles is missing out. Saito’s implementation of TS is widely regarded as the best implementation – it’s fun, easy to use, and leading in user control, privacy and all around sustainability. The fact that no central service is required has attracted gamers who otherewise couldn’t access these titles.

Here I Stand on Saito is a labor of love along the same vein – and like TS, has some dedicated players willing to usher you into the addiction. If board games aren’t your forte, you’ll be happy to note that numerous advancements in the game engine were developed in parallel alongside this new title, which have implications for Realms (our under-development Magic The Gathering like game) as well as non-gaming applications down the line.

To hear David and Richard nerd out about the game engine and its advanced cryptographic techniques (with applications well beyond gaming), give the livestream a like and a listen.

Video Call Architecture Improvement

Video Calls now exist with permanent key IDs not tied to any single user. Without sacrificing security or decentralization, this change allows a room to exist without any single peer hosting it, alleviating some coordination issues while never succumbing to reliance on a central server. Now anyone be the first to join, scheduling calls in advance is a stable experience and the protocol has been greatly simplified and is more composable for other uses.

No central servers compromising your control or privacy – something we regard as a basic standard of service on Saito which is sorely lacking on the internet generally. On-chain video call coordination and off-chain connections isn’t a new Saito innovation, but continues to put the capabilities of other blockchains to shame. Use Saito Video Call without a login, ads, or loss of privacy and never go back.

More News Next Week

The front page of our website is being updated – thanks to the community members with design skills willing to point us in a more aesthetic direction. The community is always welcome to show us how we can improve.

Stay tuned for a roadmap update, information on third party nodes, and more general progress towards Saito World Domination! There may be some hints lying around… Be sure to watch the recording of the last update to get all the details.

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